What The Nurses Saw
How to help
Books are the last bastion of free speech in American today, especially now that the news media and Big Tech have joined forces to silence the voices of scientists and doctors whose opinions don’t support the new pharma funded political-medical ideology.
By buying “What The Nurses Saw” you’re not only breaking this sinister blockade on the truth, you’re also casting a vote in the marketplace and demonstrating that people do want to know the facts about what’s going on and do not accept government and pharmaceutical industry press releases as the last word on science and medicine.
Review the book and talk it up
Talking about the book online helps a lot and reviewing it positively (if you believe it merits it) is a very big help.
Amazon is the best place to post a positive review, but there are other places too if you’re so inclined.
Other book review sites are GoodReads.com and LibraryThing.com.
Where to buy the book
For better or worse, Amazon is a dominant force in bookselling today. Being a bestseller on Amazon will give “What The Nurses Saw” high visibility to millions of active book buyers.
Also, we have found from past experience that many so-called independent bookstores are so committed to pushing
the pharma/government narrative, they will not carry this book or books like it.
Who are you buying for?
Some people are buying copies for friends and family.
Others are buying copies for their local library. Still others are buying copies to mail to local officials. There’s even been talk about a movement to send the book to every Congressperson in Washington DC.
If you’re a member of an organization that promotes medical freedom, civil rights, and social justice, please let them know about the book and make it an agenda item at the next meeting.
Buying links
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPQVTDRT/
The awesome power of buying two
(or even more) copies
Even buying just one additional copy will make a huge difference if done collectively.
You may want to do more.
What to do with the extra copies?
* Give one (or more) to your local library
* Give copies to concerned friends and family members
* Mail a copy with letter to local publications and news media (more likely to be open minded than mass media)
* Mail a copy to local politicians (much more powerful than sending a letter)
* Give one to a nurse, doctor, police officer, serviceman, or firefighter who has lost their job for refusing to take the shot
* Give to someone who had a bad experience with or may have lost a loved one to a hospital
Buying on Amazon is the most economical and efficient.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPQVTDRT/
Unfortunately, we have found from past experience that many so-called independent bookstores are so committed to pushing the pharma/government narrative, they will not carry this book or books like it.
Give the book as a gift
What The Nurses Saw is one of the most gifted books on Amazon