Mask Off Minnesota

What The Nurses Saw Ken McCarthy on Mask Off Minnesota with David FarrJanuary 14th, 2024 Order the book here. Back to...


What The Nurses Saw Documentation VIDEOS EVENTS CITED IN THE BOOK Fauci pushing remdesivir – April 29, 2020 (excerpt from Fauci’s First Fraud)Click here to watch now Erin Marie Olszewski Interview on Tucker Carlson – June 11, 2020Click here to watch now Nicole...


What The Nurses Saw Resources We’ve assembled a list of up-to-date resources which we will add to and update as we discover more. Advocacy services patients and their families can hire to help them deal with the medical system Graith CareRemnant Nursing Support...

Nurses Out Loud

What The Nurses Saw Ken McCarthy on Nurses Out LoudJanuary 5th, 2024 Order the book here. Back to...